Since 2010 CourseSaver (Chad’s Videos) remains THE most recommended study material to prepare for the DAT while also being highly recommended by users taking the MCAT, PCAT, and OAT.
Over 70,000 students have used CourseSaver to prepare for their entrance exams including ~90% of all accepted dental students.
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Dathrill2002 | 11 years ago
DAT Chemistry: 22
DAT Organic Chemistry: 25

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sisero68 | 12 years ago
DAT Chemistry: 25
DAT Organic Chemistry: 22

Best study source i used... hands down

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tim1taz | 12 years ago
DAT Chemistry: 19
DAT Organic Chemistry: 19

these were my score with the help of chad videos.

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Kman07 | 11 years ago
DAT Chemistry: 28
DAT Organic Chemistry: 29

Chad's videos are all you need to succeed on the chemistry sections. Watch them multiple times and take the quizzes until you understand everything in them! THANK YOU CHAD

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beabeau2 | 12 years ago
DAT Chemistry: 22
DAT Organic Chemistry: 25

Lots of studying and lots of Chad make for a solid combo

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loganheinrich | 12 years ago
DAT Chemistry: 23
DAT Organic Chemistry: 28

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