Since 2010 CourseSaver (Chad’s Videos) remains THE most recommended study material to prepare for the DAT while also being highly recommended by users taking the MCAT, PCAT, and OAT.
Over 70,000 students have used CourseSaver to prepare for their entrance exams including ~90% of all accepted dental students.
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kpark829 | 11 years ago
DAT Chemistry: 24
DAT Organic Chemistry: 21

Just wanted to thank you Chad. I wanted to take the DAT a year early, without ever taking OCHEM in my life, and I was able to score a 21 with you alone. I am now excited to supplement your physics college video with my physics class this upcoming semester. Thank you again.

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reecij | 12 years ago
DAT Chemistry: 21
DAT Organic Chemistry: 21

Chad plus hard work = AMAZING, I was a C student in Chemistry in undergrad!!! But now I'm going to DENTAL SCHOOL class of 2016!!!

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Mgunter | 11 years ago
MCAT Physical Sciences: 12
MCAT Biological Sciences: 10

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bonoyh | 12 years ago
DAT Chemistry: 24
DAT Organic Chemistry: 27

In the beginning, I was scoring 15~16 in both section. However, this wonderful Chad's video made me to get those amaizing score which I am very satisfied with. Thank you Chad!!

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chadk | 11 years ago
MCAT Physical Sciences: 8
MCAT Biological Sciences: 9

I had not taken physics or chemistry in 18 years. I literally did not remember even the most basic material. I came across your site and watched a preview video. I knew it was my answer. I studied Chads videos every night for four months. It got me as prepared as I could be. I tell people all the time about the site if they say anything about per-prof health tests I felt like Chad was a buddy of mine after watching those videos for so long. I ended up with a 27 total

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kroo0227 | 12 years ago
DAT Chemistry: 29
DAT Organic Chemistry: 27

Hands down. Chad is all you need for GC and OC on the DAT

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