How Does Bulk Ordering Work?

Introducing CourseSaver's new fundraising opportunities for your club / organization. You already know the success you have seen in your own studies, now it is time to share your success with others. We offer 2 ways to do this. First is the upfront purchase of bulk licenses which offers the steepest discounts. With discounts ranging from 20%-45% depending on quantities.

Discount Tiers

  • 10-24 licenses = 20% off
  • 25-49 licenses = 30% off
  • 50-99 licenses = 35% off
  • 100 + licenses = 45% off

To use this method you would likely advertise it within your organization and start collecting payments with a specific cut off date on which you will order.

Let's say you have a dental club with 150 members.
You could advertise that you were going to have DAT Prep 2 month subscriptions available for $70.
If you get 10 members to buy in, you would earn a $20 profit for your fundraiser while your members each saved $15.
If you could get a third of your members interested, each member would still save $15, but you would get $737.50.
At the 100 person mark, your organization would be getting $2325.00 in net sales all while giving your members access to one of the best online prep materials available at a discounted price.
As you can see, the more members you contact, the better this works for you. You would simply put in an end date, collect the funds and purchase them in a single transaction and distribute activation codes. Each member can activate their codes independently, no need to put everyone on the same start / end date.

After using the tools below to purchase licenses, you will be given a promotional code for each license that you purchase and you may then distribute the codes afterward. To use the codes, your club members will need to go through the normal checkout process, but when they get to the checkout page, they can enter their code instead of paying.

Note that you will see the discount applied on the next page after clicking the "Order Selected Videos" button.

Bulk Order Form

Anatomical Science (Quizzes)


Biochemistry - Physiology (Quizzes)


DAT / PCAT Quizzes (Quizzes)


DAT Videos (Videos and Quizzes)


DAT/OAT/PCAT General Chemistry (Quizzes)


Dental Anatomy (Quizzes)


Full Length (Quizzes)


MCAT General Chemistry (Quizzes)


MCAT Organic Chemistry (Quizzes)


MCAT Quizzes (Quizzes)


MCAT/OAT Physics (Quizzes)


Microbiology - Pathology (Quizzes)


NBDE Part 1 (Quizzes)


OAT Physics (Quizzes)


OAT Quizzes (Quizzes)


Organic Chemistry (Quizzes)


Pharmacology (Quizzes)


Quantitative Reasoning (Quizzes)


User Private (Quizzes)
